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Holy Quran And Science || Holy Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science Part 2

Holy Quran And Science || Holy Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science Part 2
Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science

1.Glorious Quran And Mountains In Geology || Holy Quran And Mountains

All My Loving,Excellent Brothers And Sisters

Assalam-O-Alaikum Wa RahamaTullahHi Wa BarakataaHo!

May The Allah’s Mercy,Allah’s Peace And Blessings Of God Be Upon All Of You!



Dear brothers and sisters,most welcome to my “ WowPakMuslim ” Platform.This is the great  Islamic and scientific research platform based on logical facts which is created for the humanity.

Definition Of Mountains

The mountains are big and small blocks made of stones which are created by the Allah Almighty.The shape of the mountains are tent type.

The Beautiful Scene Of Kirkjufell Mountain
The Beautiful Scene Of Kirkjufell Mountain

Mountains In Geology

The “folding”  process (phenomena) based on logical and observational facts is discovered many years ago in the geological terminology.The mountains ranges are produced (formed) by the folding phenomena.The layers of the earth are very warm,hot,burning and blazing and aqueous  thin fluid which is inappropriate for the life.


The folding process is connected with the strength (stability) of  rocky mountains.These  folds  give support  to set up the mountains in the universe.And the mountains are constituted and supported  by the folding phenomena.


The earth’s radius is approximately ronud about  three thousand seven hundred fifty (3750) miles which is described by the skillful and expert scientists of the geology.The earth’s crust is very thin because its range from one to thirty (1—30) miles.


Therefore,there are very high chances of shaking the earth’s crust.That’s why, all the type of mountains which are shape of tent pegs and are like a supporting  pillers or the boards or stakes and give support ,strength and stability to the crust of the earth.

Mountains In Holy Quran

The Holy Quran describes the totally same procedure about the mountains according to the geologists fourteen hundred years ago.Allah  Almighty describes in the Glorious Quran,Surah An-Naba,Surah No.78,Verses from 6—7 ;

Quranic’s Verses

Surah An-Naba,Surah No.78,Verses 6 & 7
Surah An-Naba,Surah No.78,Verses 6 & 7

English Translation

 6   “ Have We (Allah Almighty) did’nt create the Al-Arad (Planet Earth) and provides                wide and even expansion the earth? ”

 7   “ And the Al-Gibaal (The Mountains) as projections (Tent Pegs).”


The Arabic word “ Auwtad “ in above quoted verse of the Glorious Holy Quran which is means that seize,pegs,clinch and stakes.

Dr.Frank Press  

Dr.Frank Press is the author from the authors list of famous book “Earth“.The structure and shape of the mountains is wedged and small part of the whole mountain is very established strongly,safely,firmly and securely joined in the ground according to the book “Earth”.

Quranic Verse

Allah Subhana Wa Ta’aalah describes in the Glorious Quran,Surah Al-Anbiya,Surah No.21,Verse No.31.

Sura Al-Anbiya,Surah No.21,Verse No.31
Sura Al-Anbiya,Surah No.21,Verse No.31

English Translation

“And We (The God) have created/produced the big mountains (Stabilizers) on the earth fixed strongly,lest it might be stirs/sways (convulse)  with them. ”

Stability Of Mountains

The some hard plates are formed from the cracking of earth’s surface and the size of these very hard plates  is approximately round about one hundred (100 km) i.e, one lac meters (100,000).The hard plates remain at the surface of aqueous melted region is termed as “Aesthenosphere”.


The mountains are formed,found on the boundary of the hard and rigid plates.The thickness of crust of the earth is approximately five thousand meters (5000m) under the seas and thickness is round about eighty thousand meters(80,000m) is under the very big,heavy mountains.

Verse of Holy Quran

Alhamdo Lillah, I quote another reference from the Glorious Holy Quran about the strongly fixed mountains.Allah Almighty says in the Quran,Surah An-Nazyiat,Surah No.79,Verse No.32 ;

Surah An-Nazyiat,Surah No.79,Verse No.32
Surah An-Nazyiat,Surah No.79,Verse No.32

English Translation

“ And He (Allah Tabarak Wa Ta’aalah) set/put the fixed the stable and huge mountains (Al-Gibaal) in the earth. “


The logical,observational,reasonable,scientific,geological and quraanic statements describe that the verses of the Glorious Quran tell us about the modern  geological research are perfectly and completely 100 %  true and the big mountains are produced by Allah Almighty.

Also Read : Holy Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science Part 1


He made stable and huge mountains to support the earth and to prevent the earth from shaking and moving.Hence,proves that the Glorious Quran is the guiding star and heavenly gift for mankind.

2.Holy Quran And Shape Of The Earth

Holy Quran And Shape Of The Earth
Holy Quran And Shape Of The Earth


O’my brothers and sisters,most welcome to WowPakMuslim.This is the best and beneficial islamic,scientific research project is created for humanity.Dear,If you want to do  research of the islam,christianity,jewism,hinduism etc and please come to on this platform WowPakMuslim.


Now,I will be come back  to the topic of the speech of  today.In this written islamic,logical  and scientific lecture,I will describe all information about the Holy Qurran and the shape of earth in the scientific and islamic manners.


Hundreds of years ago,some people and scientists believed that the shape of earth is plain and flat.In the past time,the men were frightened that whenever they went to the edge of earth and will be slipped from the edge of earth.

Sir Francis Drake’s Statement 

The first and foremost scientist Sir Francis Drake Proved that the shape of the earth is not flat and not plain.When the scientist Sir Francis Drake was sailed in the sea around the earth,then he was concluded in 1597 that the shape of earth is spherical.


But the Glorious and Holy Quran tells us that the shape of the earth is spherical 14 hundred years ago.Now,I quote a reference of alternating changing of day into night and night into a day.


Quranic’s Verse

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran,Surah Luqman,Surah No.31,Verse No.29.

Surah Luqman,Surah No.31,Verse No.29

Surah Luqman,Surah No.31,Verse No.29

English Translation

 “ Do you not look and not meditate to perceive that Allah Subhana Wa Ta’aallah creates the night(Al-Llail),merges into a day(Ann-Nahaar) and He creates a day(Ann-Nahaar),enter into a night(Al-Llail)? ”


In the above quoted verse,the two meanings words merges and enters tell us that the night is changing gradually and slowly into a day and the day is changing gradually and slowly into the night.If this procedure happens that the shape of earth is geo spherical.


Quranic’s Verse

And I quote another reference from the Glorious Quran about the spherical shape of the earth.Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran,Surah Az-Zumar,Surah No.39,Verse No.5.

Surah Az-Zumar,Surah No.39,Verse No.5

Surah Az-Zumar,Surah No.39,Verse No.5

English Translation

 “ Allah Almighty produced the skies(heavens) and the earth in the authentic manner;He creates the night overlap or to coil or cover the day and creates the day overlap or cover or to coil the night.”


The arabic word “Kawwara” comes In the above quoted verse of the Holy Quran.And meanings of this word are to  overlap,cover and to coil.Hence,Proves that the shape of earth is sperical not a plain.


Quranic’s Verse 

And I quote another and third reference from Holy Quran about geo sperical shape of earth.Allah Subhana Wa Ta’aalah says in the Glorious Quran,Surah An-Naziyat,Surah No.79,Verse No.30.

Surah An-Naziyat,Surah No.79,Verse No.30

Surah An-Naziyat,Surah No.79,Verse No.30

English Translation

“ And Al-Arradd (Planet earth),Hath Allah Almighty creates the egg shape of the earth.”


In the above referred verse,the arabic word “Dahaha” means that the shape of the earth is like a ostrich egg.It is because the shape of ostrich egg is spherical.Hence,all three verses of the Glorious Quran And the scientist Sir Francis Drake prove that the shape of earth is geo-spherical resemble to the shape of ostrich’s egg.

3.Glorious Quran And Expansion Of The Universe

Glorious Quran And Expansion Of The Universe
Glorious Quran And Expansion Of The Universe

O,my brilliant brothers and sisters,I will describe all details about Glorious Holy Quran and expansion of the universe in this islamic and scientific lecture.

Physicist Edvin Hubble’s Statement

The american astronomer Edvin Hubble presented the logical and observational solid proofs in 1925 that all type of galaxies are moving back from a one galaxy to another galaxy.That’s why,this logical statement proves that the universe is expanding.Today,the science describes this scientific fact in 1925.And science accept this scientific and religious fact.


But Allah Almighty  describes the expansion of the universe in the Holy Quran fourteen hundred years ago.

Quranic's Verse 

Allah Almighty says in the Glorious Qurran,Surah Ad-Dariyat,Surah No.51,Verse No.47.

Surah Ad-Dariyat,Surah No.51,Verse No.47

Surah Ad-Dariyat,Surah No.51,Verse No.47

English Translation

"And the empyrean,we lifted it very high with power and there is no doubt, we are the creators of the vastness of the space."

In the above quoted verse of the Holy Quran,the arabic word Museiun is correctly used as it means that expansion of the universe.And this word also means that the creation of emptyness of universe.The famous scienist (physicist) Stephen Hawking writes in his book that the discovery of expansion of vastness of the universe is great and well known revolution of the 20th century.

Quran and Science || Quran and Big Bang Theory
Quran and Science || Quran and Big Bang Theory

The heavenly gift Glorious Quraan describes about the expanding universe when the man did not know about constructed the telescope.Some people say that the scientific astronomical facts are not amazing mention in Holy Quraan.It is because the arabs were expert and skillful in astronomy.


Moreover,those people are totally failed to realized that The Glorious Quraan was revealed before when the arabs were excellent and fabulous experts in astronomy.Few scientific astronomical facts describe in the Quraan about big bang theory in astronomy.And the expert arabs did not know about the big bang theory in those years.

Also Read : Holy Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science Part 3

The astronomical and scientific facts based on reality describes in the Glorious Holy Quraan are not due to the arabs were advanced and expert in the field of scientific astronomy.


That’s why Holy Quraan is very true and authentic religious book on the earth.This Glorious Quraan describes hundred percent truly and mind blowing in this universe.In the end,Holy Qurran is the best and brilliant manual for the human being in the world. Allah Hafiz To My lovely,Brilliant,Excellent And Kind Hearted Readers!

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