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Holy Quran And Modern Science (Scientific Signs) || Glorious Quran And Science Part 3

Holy Quran And Modern Science (Scientific Signs) || Glorious Quran And Science Part 3
Quran And Modern Science (Scientific Signs) || Glorious Quran And Science 

1.Holy(Glorious) Quran And Modern Science

Dear My All Brothers And Sisters

Asslam-o-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Baraakatahu!

May The Mercy, Peace And Blessings Of Allah Subhana Wa Taala Be Upon All Of You!

Background Of Quran And Science

Few centuries ago, The human being(especially scientists) was not able to understand the true meaning of the verses of the Muqaddas Qur’an Consist based on logical and authentic scientific knowledge.It is because they didn’t have particularly Scientific logical and reasoning knowledge.

Holy (Glorious) Quran And Modern Science (Scientific Signs)
Holy (Glorious) Quran And Modern Science (Scientific Signs)

Present Age Of Quran And Science

There are six thousand six hundred sixty six (6,666) verses in the Holy Qur’an but more than one thousand verses contain Scientific and logical knowledge.Science proves that the Holy Qur’anic verses consist of scientific knowledge is hundred 100% percent true based on logical facts.


Hundred years ago, non muslims  believe that Holy Qur’an is a book of stories or folk tales.But today science reveals that the Holy Qur’an is the best and the greatest book on earth.

Qur’an is not a book of science but it is a book of scientific signs based on important facts.Now,Non muslims also believe that the Holy Qur’an is a excellent book of the best religion and a book of scientific and logical knowledge.

Also Read : Holy Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science Part 1

The famous and most genius scientist Albert Einstein noble prize winner says that religious facts are very important in a daily life.The Holy Qur’an describes about creation of the the universe fourteen hundred years ago but people didn’t believe on Qur’anic verses.

Now,today science describes the same method of the creation of the universe which described by the Holy Qur’an.This theory is known as big bang theory named by science.Now,People believe on big bang theory.


All praises to be Allh,Fourteen hundred years ago,Muqaddas Qur’an talks about biology, chemistry, botan,zoology and different types of books of science that is hundred percent true and completely proved by modern science.


In the last,the conclusion is that Islam the best and greatest religion on earth.Islam is the only relgion in the universe that is based on logical scientific reality. 

2.Holy Quran And Finger Prints (Finger Tips) In The Scientific Language

Holy Quran And Finger Prints (Finger Tips) In The Scientific Language
Holy Quran And Finger Prints

Introduction Of Finger Printing Technology

Respected brothers and sisters,Alhamdo Lillah,All praises be to Allah Almighty,I will explain all information about  the Glorious Quran and Finger Prints (Finger Tips) in this written Islamic, general scientific  and observational lecture.


The non muslims (Unbelievers or pagans) questioned  that how  can recollected and  reconstruct  the bones with accurately and original sequence after the death on the day of  judgement (Day of Qiyamah).


Allah Almighty says in the Quran that we are capable to collected and combined the very tips of fingers  of the human beings.The collecting,combining and reconstructing the bones of body is very easy and fast for the Allah Subhana Wa Ta’aallah.It is because Allah Almighty is the producer,maker,creator of the whole universe.

Finger Prints In Holy Quran

I quote  a reference from the Glorious Quran.Allah Almighty  says in the Holy Quran,Surah Al-Qiyamah,Surah No.75, Verse No. 3-4.

Verses Of  Holy Quran

Surah Al-Qiyamah,Surah No.75,Verses 3 & 4
Surah Al-Qiyamah,Surah No.75,Verses 3 & 4

English Translation

     3 " Does the man imagine that we cannot  collect or combine the bones of man? "

     4  " Why not, we are capable to collect and combine the very tips of fingers                                 in accurate,complete,perfect and authentic sequence. "

Finger Printing Technique By Sir Francis Golt

The science explains about  the fingerprinting  method only 140 years ago.The technique of finger printing was discovered and invented by the scientist Sir Francis Golt in 1880.

Finger Print (Tip)
Finger Tip

Significance Of  Finger Tips Technology

It is very acceptable and famous identification method for shows the truth.Thats’why, all forces department of all the countries is used the finger printing method for  solve the various kinds of issues i.e. to identify the criminals.


All police forces of different countries is used to catch red handed professional culprits,criminals and thieves through the use  of finger printing method.The finger printing technique is very useful,beneficial and valuable for the whole  world.


But the great and heavenly  gift  Glorious Quran describes the finger printing method 1400 years ago.Who is the author of Quran-E-Qareem? Or Who is included this scientific finger printing  technique in the Glorious Quran.


But Allah Subhana Wa Ta’aallah  is the greatest creator of the whole universe and the beautiful,excellent  author of the Holy Quran.Therefore, Glorious  Quran describes about the every thing with logical and reasonable statements.

3.Quran's Explanations And The Water Cycle

Holy Quran and Water Cycle
Holy Quran and Water Cycle


O’my brothers and sisters, In this written lecture,Inshah Allah,I will describe all details about the Holy Quran and the water cycle with scientific observational and experimental techniques.

Past || Background

Recent of hundred years ago,the scientists and the people  believed that the vapours of water on the surface of oceans was lifted up by the air and wind and these drops fall on land in the form water’s drops from the sky.


In the past time,Some people didn’t know that the original and observational source of water in the ground.They understood that the water of oceans went in the ground secretly.


Bernard Palissy’s Theory || Water Cycle Theory

But  the “Water Cycle” process discovered and proposed by the first and  great scientist of the geography “ Bernard Palissy ”  in 1580.He explained all the concept of water cycle in scientific and observational terminology.


He tells us that the vapours of water lift from the surface of the oceans and these vapours forms clouds and then clouds went on the land and fall on the grounds by drop and drop as rain’s drops.

These rain’s drops collected in the form lakes,streams and the rivers.And this water goes back to returned place means that in oceans.This theory is called  the Water Cycle.

Also Read : Holy Quran And ModernScience || Quran And Science Part 2

The science talks about the concept of water cycle,only 470 years ago.But Allah Subhana Wa Ta’aallah says in the Glorious Holy Quran about the concept of water cycle 1400 years ago.

Quranic’s Verse

Allah Almighty says in the Glorious (Excellent) and Holy Quran,Surah Azz-Zummar,Surah No.39,Verse No.21.

Surah Azz-Zummar,Surah No.39,Verse No.21

Surah Azz-Zummar,Surah No.39,Verse No.21

English Translation

“Do you not see to meditate and understand that Allah Almighty sent down water’s drops in the form of rain’s drops from the heavens (skies),these rain’s drops move to the earth in springs? Then He brings forth every types of plants and trees of causes it and produce various kinds of beautiful colours.”


Quranic’s Verse

And I quote a second reference from the Glorious Quran,Surah Ar-Rum,Surah No.30,Verse No.24 which says that;

Surah Ar-Rum,Surah No.30,Verse No.24

Surah Ar-Rum,Surah No.30,Verse No.24

English Translation

“Allah Subhana Wa Ta’aalah sent down water’s drops in the form of rain from the heavens or the skies through the clouds and He provides a new life to the earth with the rain after the dead and barren condition of earth.It is very surely that that the signs found in it for the people who are wise,genius,intellectuall and knowlwdgeable people.”

Dear brothers and sisters,I can quote many references from the Glorious Quran about  the water cycle i.e. Surah Al-Mominoon,Surah No.23,Verse No.18.This verse also describes about the water cycle based on scientific and logical facts.


In the last, Glorious Quran describes  about the water cycle is 100% true and accurate.And science also proves  that  the Glorious Quran is very authentic book on the earth.Allah Hafiz To All My Best And Excellent Muslim and Non-Muslim Followers!

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