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Glorious Quran And Science || Holy Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science Part 1

Glorious Quran And Science || Holy Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science Part 1
Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science

1.Glorious Quran And Big Bang Theory || Big Bang Theory In The Holy Quran

My Dear,Awesome,Brilliant Muslim And Non Muslim  Brothers And Sisters

Assalam-O-Alaikim Wa RahamaTullahHi Wa BarakataaHo!

May The Mercy Of Allah Almighty,Peace Of Allah Almighty And Blessings Of Allah Almighty Be Upon All Of You!


Brief Introduction

My dear brothers and sisters,In Shah Allah,I will describe all details and information about the field of “Astronomy” especially Big Bang Theory (Phenomena)” in this written observational and scientific lecture.The scientific sign of the creation of the universe and big bang theory is in the Holy Quran fourteen hundred (1400) years ago.


But the scientists and fully expert people of the astronomy was believed that Holy Quran is a book of novel and book of stories of the old people hundred of years ago.

Point Of View Of Modern Astrophysicists

But now a days, the modern astronomers and the high rank scientists of the astronomy believe that the  Glorious Holy Quran is not a book of novel and not  a book of stories of the old people.


They believe that the Glorious Holy Quran is also a book of scientific signs based on real facts and confirmed truth and modern science proves with observational,scientific and experimental statements that Glorious Holy Quran is hundred percent (100%) true and authentic. 

Georges Lemaitre And Edwin Hubble

Scientists Edwin Hubble And Georges Lemaitre
Edwin Hubble And Georges Lemaitre

The Big Bang Theory is noted first by the Belgian astrophysicist and astronomer “Georges Lemaitre” in nineteen hndred twenty seven (1927) and described completey about the creation of the universe.This theory was fuly confirmed by the great astronomer Edwin Hubble in nineteen hundred twenty nine (1929).


And after this Georges Lemaitre developed this theory in a scientific paper form in 1931 and this theory is acceptable and well known for all the high rank astronomers and astrophysicists.

Big Bang Theory In Astronomical Terminology 

Big Bang Explosion
Big Bang Theory

The “Big Bang Theory” is very famous and most popular theory in the field of astronomy.The “Big Bang Theory” about the creation of the universe and this is described and explained with experimental,observational,logical,reasonable and scientific proofs collected by the best and top rank,expert “Astrophysicists and the Astronomers”.

Description Of Big Bang Theory

Big Bang Theory
Big Bang Phenomena 

This theory is most acceptable in current age.In the started,the entire and whole universe was a big and huge one shell means that “Big Mass (Big Massive)” and after this, a big blast happened in the big mass and the big mass was divided into galaxies.

Also Read : Holy Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science Part 2


These all galaxies were fell off into immensely vast space.The sun,the moon,the stars,the planets and earth etc are produced from the galaxies which are generated from the big massive blast and this theory is called the Big Bang Theory.

Big Bang Theory In Glorious Quran

The modern science (Astronomy) tells us about the creation and expansion of the entire and whole universe approximately ninety years (90 years) ago.


But Allah Subhana Wa Ta’aalah describes in the Glorious Holy Quran fourteen hundred years (1400 years) ago.Allah Almighty says in the Glorious Quran,Surah Al-Anbiya,Surah No.21,Verse No.30;

Quranic’s Verse

Surah Al-Anbiya,Surah No.21,Verse No.30
Surah Al-Anbiya,Surah No.21,Verse No.30

English Translation

“Do not the unbelievers (Pagans) observe (look) that the skies (Heavens) and the earth (Al-Arad) were attached (Combined) together,and then we (Allah Almighty) separated them (Heavens and Earth).”


In the above quoted verse of the Glorious Holy Quran,the Big Bang Phenomenon and creation of the entire universe is explained with scientific signs and logical,experimental statements by the creator of the whole universe is Allah Almighty.Because Allah Mighty is the best and mind blowing producer or creator of  every thing.

2.Holy Quran And The Moon Has Reflected Light

Holy Quran And The Moon Has Reflected Light
Holy Quran And The Moon Has Reflected Light

Respected brothers and sisters,I will deliver all excellent information in this written islamic,scientific and logical lecture with a authentic references.Today,the second topic of my speech is “ Holy Quran And The Moon Has Reflected Light”.


In the past,some early scientists and people say that the moon has its his own light and the moon shines in the sky at night with its own light.Now,the science with scientific research describes that the moon has not its own light but the moon has reflected light. 

Planets In Quran || Space and Islam
Planets In Quran || Space and Islam

All praises to be Allah,this scientific fact comes in the Holy Quran 14 hundred years ago.And I am going to quote a reference from the Glorious Quran which shows that the moon has reflected light.

Quranic’s Verse

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran,Surah Al-Furqan,Surah No.25,Verse No.61.

Surah Al-Furqan,Surah No.25,Verse No.61

Surah Al-Furqan,Surah No.25,Verse No.61

 English Translation

 “It is very bless that He who created a configuration of stars as seen from the earth in the skies (Heavens) and create a lamp and the shining moon (The moon giving light).”


The arabic word “ Ash-Shammas” is used in the Holy Quran for the sun.It is represented as “Siraaj” means that a torch, “Wahaaj” means that a blazing globe,”Dieya” means that the shining honor (glory).These three meanings are very truly close to the term sun.


It is because it creates ardent and fierce heat and light from its inward combustion.The arabic word is “Qammar” for the moon in arabic manner and arabic dictionaries.And the word “Qammar” is used in the Holy Quran as it the name of the word “Muneer” means that a body supplies “Noor” i.e. light.


The Quranic meanings are totally and completely same to the nature of the moon and the moon does not emit out light by itself.This is slow and apathetic body and therefore, light of sun is being reflected by the moon.


Many times, the word moon is described in the name of Siraaj,Wahaaj and Dieya and the sun in the name of Noor and Muneer.These explanations proves that the Glorious Quraan identifies the relation and comparison between the light of moon and the light of sun.


In the end,the sun has its own light and it is also called a star but the moon don’t have its own light because it has a reflected light of the sun proved by the scientific and Quranic verses.

3.Islam,Holy Quran And The Sun Rotates In Modern Scientific Terminology
Holy Quran And The Sun Rotates In Modern Scientific Terminology
Holy Quran And The Sun Rotates In Modern Scientific Terminology

Respected sisters and brothers, In Shah Allah, I will completely deliver the written lecture about the Islam,Holy Qurran and the sun rotates in the scientific terminology.Alhamdo lillah, which means that all praises to be Allah Almighty.

Few centuries ago,the english men believed that Holy Qurran is a book of stories and simple book but now a days,that the same people believe that the Glorious Holy Quran is the best heavenly book in the universe that are based on scientific facts.

Glorious Quran And Statements Of The Scientists 

Hundred of years ago,some european philosphers and the best scientific scientists believed that the earth is stationary still in the mid of the universe.And each type of bodies i.e. the sun(star) revolved (rotates) around the earth.

The scientist Nicholas Copernicus proposed the theory of Heliocentric of planetry movement in 1512.This theory describes that the movement of the sun is not possibe,it also means that the sun don’t move.Only the planets move around the sun.


The Yohannus Keppler scientist of the country Germany published the research paper of “Astronomia Nova” on international level.In this research paper,the conclusion is that only the planets run in the oval and elliptical orbits around the sun and the planets also move on their own axis at unsteady,uneven and irregular speeds.


After the poor standard discoveries,it was believed that the sun do not move around the earth and the sun was stood in the same place from origin.

Qurnic’s  Verse

I will quote a reference from the Glorious Holy Qurran,Surah Anbia,Surah No.21,Verse No.33.Allah Almighty says in the Glorious Quran.

Surah Anbia,Surah No.21,Verse No.33

Surah Anbia,Surah No.21,Verse No.33

English Translation

"And He it is who made the the Allail(the night) and the Annahaar(the day),the Al-Shammas (the sun) and the Al-Qammar(the moon),All the celestial objects move in their own rounded paths."


In the above referred verse of Qurran,the arabic word Yasbahun is found.This word derives from the word “Sabaha”.It means that every moving body can move and it is possible.

For example If any one use the above word for the peoples on ground that it is not mean the people move in the circular path, it means that the people walk or runs in streets.

Also Read : Holy Quran And Modern Science || Quran And Science Part 3


For example,If you say that this word Yasbahun is also available for the motion of the sun,It does not mean that the sun flies in space,And It means that the sun revolves around its own axis(earth).


It is concluded that the sun is not stationary  and it revolves in space.It is proved that Glorious Quraran describes 100% percent true and are based on logical reasoning and real scientific facts.Allah Hafiz To All My Muslim and Non Muslim Best Readers!


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