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Biography Of Three Important Personalities In Islam || The Three Famous Personalities Of Islam

Biography Of Three Important Personalities In Islam || The Three Famous Personalities Of Islam
Three Famous Personalities Of Islam
1.Biography Of Hazrat Umar Farooq (Second Caliph Of Islam) R.A

My Dear Muslim or Non Muslim Brothers And Sisters

Asslam-O-Alaikum Wa RahmaTullahhe Wa BaraKaataHo!

May The Allah’s Mercy,Peace And Blessings of God Be Upon All Of You!


Dear brothers and sister,In this written lecture I will describe all complete details about the Hazrat Umar (R.A).Hazrat Omar (R.A) was born on 584 CE in the Mecca (Makkah Shareef),Current Suadi Arabia.Hazrat Umar (R.A) belongs to the Banu Addi clan of the Makkah Tul Makarma.

The Khattab Ibn-E-Nuffayl was  father of the Hazrat Umar (R.A) and Hantama Bin-E-Hisham was the mother of the of Hazrat Umar (R.A).The Omar’s mother belongs to the tribe of Banu Makhzoom.Umar’s real name was Hazrat Umar Bin Al-Khattab (R.A).


Hazrat Umar (R.A) went to take camels in plains in the Makkah.And therefore,camels ate bushes and long branches of the trees.His father was a trader and also a famous merchant had famed due to intelligence in the tribes.


Hazrat Omar Bin Al-Khattab (R.A) was known to learnt read and write.The tradition of the Qurrayish describes that Umar learned very excellent martial arts,brilliant horse riding and mind blowing wrestling in youth.Hazrat Umar (R.A) was a beautiful,tall and smart,active,powerful wrestler.He was a good sportsman.

Hazrat Omar (R.A)  As a Ruler             

Hazrat Omar (R.A) is a second caliph of the religion Islam.He was a very powerful,excellent,brilliant,mind blowing,kind hearted,just and very pious caliph of the Islam.His reign’s duration from 23 august 634 CE to 3 november 644 CE.

The government of Umar (R.A) had expanded from Mecca(Saudi Arabia) and Madina (Saudi Arabia) to Syria and Palestine.The empire of Hazrat Umar Bin Al-Khattab (R.A) had 13 provinces were Makkah,Madina,Basra,Kuffa,Jazira,Syria,two provinces of palestine,two provinces of Egypt and three provinces of persia.

Death Of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A )

Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) died on 644 CE in the age of sixty years.He is buried in the prophet’s mosque in Madina Shareef.He was a good ruler and a very just caliph in Islam.


Tomb Of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)
Tomb Of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)

He loved poor and needy people and also look after the poor and needy people.He was respected,loved to everyone.There is no any one example of the best role model of Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab (R.A) in the world.

Hence,proves that the governance was very brilliant.Therefore,muslims and non muslims respect and love the second caliph of Islam.In the end,Islam is the best peaceful religion in this universe.

2.Biography of Hazrat Bilal Bin Rabah (R.A)

Mouazzin-E-Islam Hazrat Bilal (R.A)
Mouazzin-E-Islam Hazrat Bilal (R.A)


Dear brothers and sisters, In this lecture I will describe about the great companion (Sahaba) Hazrat Bilal (R.A) of Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H).Hazrat Bilal (R.A) was born on 5 March 580 AD In Mecca (Makkah Tul Makarama) in Hijaz.

His real name is Hazrat Bilal Bin Rabah (R.A).His father’s name was Rabah.The Rabah was a slave.His mother’s name was Hamamah.


Hazrat Bilal (R.A) was a greatest and most beloved sahaba of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H).He was a very  pious sahaba.Hazrat Bilal (R.A) is called the first Moazzin of the Islam.

Due to slavary, Hazrat Bilal (R.A) had no one option except that he worked hard for his owner master ummahyia Ibn-E-Khalaf.Hazrat Bilal (R.A) was proved as excellent and brilliant slave after the great struggle and hard work.


When Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) announced his Nabuwwat (Prophethood) and he began to started preaching of the religion Islam.And those days,Hazrat Bilal (R.A) was being tortured by his master Ummahyia Bin Khalaf.His master tightly bound Hazrat Bilal,dragged out in bazzars of Makkah.

When Hazrat Bilal refused to Ummahyia Bin Khalaf again and again,then Ummahyia Bin Khalaf ordered that very hot boulders and stones put onto the chest of Hazrat Bilal (R.A).But Hazrat Bilal was saying repeatedly the same words “Ahad Ahad” means that God is one and God is one.

Persecution on the Hazrat Bilal Rabah (R.A)
Persecution on the Hazrat Bilal Rabah (R.A)

When news of the persecution on the Hazrat Bilal Rabah (R.A)  reached to other sahabas (companions),then Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) is being informed by companions.After this, Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) sent to talk about emancipation of Hazrat Bilal (R.A) and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) buy Bilal (R.A) from Ummahyia Bin Khalaf and free him.


In Madina Shareef, Hazrat Bilal Bin Rabah (R.A) became most prominent and good member of the muslim society.Hazrat Bilal (R.A) was a secretary of Bait-Ul-Maal of the Madina Shareef.

Adhan(Azzan) || Hazrat Bilal First Azan

The Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) selected Bilal as first Mouazzin of Islam and Hazra Bilal gives Adhan (Azzan) five times a daily.

Death Of Mouazzin-E-Islam || Hazrat Bilal's Grave

Hazrat Bilal (R.A) Grave
Hazrat Bilal (R.A) Grave

Hazrat Bilal (R.A) died on 2 March 640 AD in the age of sixty years in Damascus.He is buried in Bab-Ul-Saghir graveyard in Damascus.Hazrat Bilal (R.A) was a very gentle and Brilliant personality of Islam.The muslim Ummah love him heartedly.


3.Biography Of Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismaeel Bukhari(RahmaTullahAlaih)


Imam Bukhari (Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismaeel Bukhari)
Imam Bukhari (Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismaeel Bukhari)

Introduction Of Imam Bukhari || Imam Bukhari

In this lecture,I will talk about the greatest personality of the islamic world.His real name Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismaeel Bukhari.

But the islamic world known to him as a great islamic scholar Imam Bukhari.He was born on 13th Shawwal 194 A.H on the day of Friday in Bukhara,Uzbekistan.He was a very pious and genious person.Imam Bukhari is the best islamic scholar in islamic world.

Work Of Imam Bukhari 

He loved to study all the hadiths books.He was very fond of learning hadiths.Imam Bukhari learnt hadiths in the age of ten years.However,he learnt all the hadiths books of Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mubarak in the age of sixteen.


After this,Imam Bukhari,his mother and his brother Ahmad Bin Ismaeel went to Saudi Arabia for Hajj and Imam Bukhari stay in Hijjaz for study the hadiths of Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H).Then Imam Bukhari visited all the arabic institutions for learn the hadiths.And Imam Bukhari learnt the six lac hadiths of arabic hadiths books.


Imam Bukhari(Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismaeel Bukhari) visited also Makkah Mukarma,MadinaShareef,Koofa,Basra,Baghdad,Egypt,Syria,Bulakh,Bukhara and Nesha por etc for the knowledge of hadiths.He visited arabic islamic centres again and again for learning hadiths.


Sahih Bukhari || Bukhari Shareef
Sahih Bukhari || Bukhari Shareef

Imam Bukhari wrote many books on based hadiths.But Sahih Bukhari Shareef is the greatest and excellent book among the Kutb-E-Sitta and other islamic books based on hadiths.This book is a high level book of the hadiths.Sahih Bukhari is written in sixteen years after the great struggle of Imam Bukhari.


There were more than ninety thousand students of the Imam Bukhari in the world.Mohammad Youseff Ferbri is a last and final student of Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismaeel Bukhari.Imam Bukhari migrated from Bukhara to Nesha Por.He started teaching and preaching of islam and sahih hadiths.


Imam Bukhari Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismaeel Bukhari died in 256 A.H on the time of Issha.He lead 62 years of his life.The life of Imam Bukhari was a role model of the muslims.Imam Bukhari buried in the village “khar Tung” of SamarKand of Uzbekistan.


Tomb Of Imam Bukhari
Tomb Of Imam Bukhari

He is a great Muhaddith,Islamic Scholar and Hadiths compiler.May Allah Almighty grant him a Jannah.I and muslim ummah love him very much.Allah Hafiz to all muslim brothers and sisters!    

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